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IT Officer Full-time Job

6 years ago Banking / Financial Service / Insurance Phnom Penh 1,105 views
Roles & Responsibilities:

- Networking, internet Access and data backups.
- Networking of Computer and Printer Sharing.
- Monitoring on internet Access of all computers.
- Troubleshooting hardware, software’s, installation of
software’s, installation drivers, secure computer systems using Antivirus protections etc.
- Technically assist staff for networking and IT
enhancements in their stations.
- Technical Assistance to the staffs and other facilities.
- Other tasks assigned by management.

Job Requirements:

- Graduated bachelor degree in Computer Science or any related field.
- Good knowledge English both written spoken.
- Have experience in related position at least one year up and especially with on Computer Skill: LAN/WAN, Firewalls, Internet & Website, in programming on VB.Net, ASP.Net, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, MySql and Oracle database, Microsoft SQL Server,MySql and Oracle database
- Flexible and willing to learn.
- Honesty, hardworking, good team work, interpersonal skill.

How to Apply:

បេក្ខជនដែលចាប់អារម្មណ៍សូមផ្ញើរប្រវត្តិរូបសង្ខេបមកកាន់ការិយាល័យកណ្តាល គ្រឹះស្ថានមីក្រូហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ អេស៊ា​ ផេស៊ីហ្វិក ហ្វាយនែន​​ ភីអិលស៊ី ដែលមានអាសយដ្ឋាននៅផ្ទះលេខ C1-C2, ផ្លូវ២៨៩ កែង ៥១៦, សង្កាត់បឹងកក់១, ខណ្ឌទួលគោក, រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ ឬតាមរយៈអ៊ីមែល [email protected]
** សម្រាប់ពត័ត៍មានបន្ថែមសូមទំនាក់ទំងតាមលេខទូរស័ព្ទ៖ 015 666 459/ 023 900 799/ 023 900 899

Company Description
Asia Pacific Finance Plc. (APF) is a Micro Finance Institution which obtained the license from National Bank of Cambodia for carrying out the official business. By cooperation between Japanese and Cambodian investors, APF was established with the initial registered capital in National Bank of Cambodia also. With this capital, we have the purposes to provide the loan products to you with the best service. With long term commitment we have a capital paid by the Japanese and the Cambodian investors to serve your financial needs; APF has planned to improve and establish the
Branch networks in Phnom Penh and Provinces also. Currently, the first branch in Phnom Penh, Toul Kork Branch is serving and providing the loans to the clients who are living in Phnom Penh. Thus, we have committed to be a leading micro finance institution in Cambodia with our slogan
“Increasing the Family Economy”. Now Asia Pacific Finance Plc. is looking for qualified applicants to work in our team as below: